Monday, October 18, 2010

The PSAT: Things to Remember...

As the PSAT rears its head, there are a few very important points to keep in mind. Being more informed aids in relieving PSAT-related stress because it makes one realize that with the proper preparation, there is no reason to be fearful. Something I was unaware of is that when a junior, the PSAT should not be taken as a practice, for it can actually earn you a scholarship if you do particularly well! Although it is rather unexpected, a student should skip a question that they cannot confidently answer because you will lose more points for being incorrect than for not giving an answer. One does not need to get every question right in order to receive a perfect score- the way to get a perfect score depends on whether you get enough questions right rather than how many you get incorrect. The PSAT does not asses a student’s knowledge, it assesses reasoning and logic, basic skill level and critical thinking. It is made so that anyone, regardless of academic background, could be successful. By keeping these important facts in mind, the PSAT can become a mountain to climb rather than an obstacle to dodge.

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