Sunday, January 23, 2011

Blog #5: The Path Forward

             For me, 2011 is going to be the year of self-improvement. My resolutions for the New Year also include helping others and volunteering time to make the world a better place, however how can one benefit the rest of the world if they are not happy with themselves? Living up to the fastidious Leo stereotype, the standards I set for myself often stand higher than I can reach. When I do not meet my own expectations, high or low, I am always disappointed in myself. This year, rather than condemning myself on the occasions that my achievements do not reach my often unattainable merit, I will pat myself on the back and reward myself for doing my utmost. To do so, I will set more realistic and obtainable goals, and if my accomplishments surpass them then I will commend myself. If I do not meet those goals, I will not belabor my shortcoming. Instead, I will make note of my faults and learn from them.
            My mother is fortunate enough that she does not have to work for a living. While she may not have a job in the corporate world, she is busier than any working mother I know. She lovingly cares for a family of three plus a dog, a large house, as well as her closest friends. In a sizable house, there are infinite jobs to be done from cleaning to laundry. This year, I am going to help my mom around the house that way she can have more time for herself. Compassionate, generous, and selfless, my mother deserves more time to relax and spend time taking care of herself. While I may not be able to pick up the cleaning and run errands, I can help to keep our home tidy. Always in a rush, I have a tendency to not leave things exactly how I find them. To make household chores easier, I will try harder to keep things in their place. I will also go more out of my way to do carry out facile tasks even when they are not asked of me such as taking out the trash when its full. I hope to make my mother’s life less stressful this year, because more than anyone else she deserves it.
There is no selfish deed more fulfilling than helping someone else. This year, I am going to donate more of my free time to helping others. Ideally, this would include joining a community service program. In the past, I have abstained from community service because I feared it would occupy too much time and would interfere with my schoolwork. Sticking to my first resolution of setting reasonable goals, I will begin helping others one step at a time. Consider the people in the world, even the people in our own communities that are not as fortunate as we. My first step to benefiting others will be cleaning out my closet. Holding onto a sweater that I never wear is not doing any good for myself or for anyone else. The possession that I value so little is of much more worth to someone who needs it. Simple actions like donating a bag of clothes, or making a meal for a struggling family can make such a difference. Even if I cannot devote limitless hours to a shelter, I can still make a positive impact. Through self-improvement and helping others, I am going to make 2011 a year fuller than any other.

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